Our Mission
Northstar Financial Advisors, Inc., is a fee-based registered* investment advisory and financial planning firm serving both institutional and individual clients. By combining investment advisory and financial planning services we are able to coordinate and oversee the entire financial picture. We use a diversified cautious approach. As a fee-based only investment advisor, we derive no compensation from the sale of products and earn no commissions.
As a result we have no bias and thus provide totally independent investment and financial planning advice. As principal of the firm, Richard Berse’s background as a CPA Financial Planner, with over twenty years experience, gives Northstar a broad base of financial experience including extensive knowledge of taxes, financial reporting, estates, and trusts. Very few investment advisors have these qualifications.
We believe the combination of customized planning and cautious investing will provide our clients with a solid financial foundation to help reach their financial goals.
*Registration with the SEC is not an endorsement by the SEC and does not imply a certain level of skill, ability, or training.
Asset Allocation
Studies indicate that 90% of investment returns are determined by asset allocation. Asset allocation is the process of determining the make-up of your portfolio (percentage of stocks, bonds, overseas investments, etc.). Northstar has developed an expertise in determining where the best situations lie, and we have a competitive advantage over those not trained to do so.
We believe that this allocation skill in addition to keeping our clients privy to current financial and tax developments (which can and has resulted in considerable savings) justifies our 1% fee of assets under management. Our experience has been that most of those who attempt to be their own financial planner have been penny wise and pound foolish.
Value Investing
We are also one of the few firms truly dedicated to value investing which numerous empirical studies suggest, but do not assure, will produce long-term rates of return in excess of average equity returns while decreasing risk. The benefit of lower risk is decreased volatility; therefore you are less likely to take your money out of the markets. We believe that staying fully invested affords you better prospects of winning.
We offer the following services:
Financial Planning
Investment Advising
Estate Planning
We guide you in:
Determining your long-term goals
Developing the best financial plan for these goals
Finding the best investment strategy
Making the right decisions about your budget, insurance, retirement planning
Ensuring your family's future through estate planning
Richard E Berse, CPA
Richard E Berse, CPA is the CEO of Northstar Financial Advisors, Inc. Northstar Financial Advisors is a Registered Investment Adviser* and Richard holds a Certificate of Financial Planning from the American Institute of CPA’s. Richard been advising high net worth individuals, families, retirement plans, trusts and estates for over 22 years. In addition Richard has been practicing in the field of Public Accounting for over 39 years.
A graduate of the Lehigh University School of Business, Richard holds a Bachelor of Science degree, was a member of the Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity and played basketball for the Lehigh University team.
Richard currently serves on the Investment Committee of The American Liver Foundation. He has been quoted in Fortune magazine and the Investment News Letter.
Richard always keeps his clients interest first and invests their money individually based on their particular needs and objectives.
Richard currently lives in Highland Beach with his wife Rori. He has three daughters Nicole, Madeline and Paulina. His interests include spending time with family, making music and playing golf.
*Registration with the SEC is not an endorsement by the SEC and does not imply a certain level of skill, ability, or training.